Friday 10 December 2010

And your CGPA is...?


But, ANYWAYS, I woke up to my ever-annoying message tone (it's that 'DO THE ROAR' guy on Shrek 4) at around 10? Or was it 11? .__. My semi-BFF (yes, semi, heehee) Amal had sent me a text saying, "Go check. Results dah keluar. :)" With a smiley face. YEP, A SMILEY FACE. [Dun dun DUNNNN!] Which totally means that she had gotten good results (Duhhhh, it's Amal we're talkin' about here!), and that of course by fact, I was so totally going to be screwed.

I checked those results and guess what I got? I'll give you a hint: It SUCKS. Kthanks. OR I could just let you see my loser results for yourself.

Yes, yes, FEEL MY PAIN. Not only is it 0.2 points (?) away from my goal, it is also heart-crushing 'cos it was definitely my carry marks that brought my grades down. :( And no, I am not blaming anybody or anything (my carry marks) but myself. I should have completed my assignments properly, and I definitely should have spoken up more in class. It will be hard, but definitely worth it. :)

Instead of mourning over my loser results, I shall shower myself in praises BECAUSE:

1. This is the highest CGPA mark I've ever gotten. Kinda pathetic, yes, but I'm almost there. ;)
2. I actually STUDIED. Like, stares-at-books-and-drinks-tea-to-keep-eyes-open study. ;O
3. I got a 'B' for my Computer Science subject! :'D And I hate Computer Science.
4. Hey, I didn't get a 'C'. Doesn't that say something? *sparkly eyes* Oh, shaddap, smart 3.5 and above Dean's List people. D:

And the most important thing like, EVARRRRRR:

I know I sound pathetic and all, especially to those who got awesome results. (Congrats to my friends who did, by the way. You guys deserved it! ;D) I mean, I'm not exactly the smartest, or the most outspoken in class, or even, the greatest crammer in the world. I'm only human, and I will most definitely make mistakes. For example, my carry marks, as I mentioned earlier in the post. I am most definitely gonna put a lot more effort into my carry marks and studying next semester and insyaallah, get into the Dean's List. :)

Even if my mum doesn't believe that I'll try harder next time (I keep saying that, but I never do), I WILL try my best! Chaiyok! My first year of college/university life was an eye opener for me, and I know I will do well in the semesters to come. THINK POSITIVE, EVERYBODY! :D I will NOT let anybody put me down, like as they say, "What puts you down only makes you stronger." So I will take this 'down' of mine and turn it into something that will drive me towards better marks (and hopefully, better studying techniques! LOL).

All in all, I thank God and the lecturers for giving me these marks. I mean, when I stare at them again, they aren't too shabby, actually. Maybe it's because of this Asian thing. Y'know, where your parents drive you nuts, screaming at you to study so you can get good results, and if you don't, they'll have this disappointed looks on their faces, looking as if you're some kind of idiot who can't tell right from left. Like, SERIOUSLY NOW. -__-' An 18-year-old girl can only do one thing at a time. Hurmph.

So yeah, in conclusion, we shouldn't beat ourselves up over bad results. Also, don't blame others, 'cos you'll soon discover that it actually all comes down to YOU. Whether you want to make an effort or not, one step at a time. ;)

Now, for my plan on taking over the world. >:B WHEEEEEEEEEE! K,bai.

P.S. Sterling Knight has like, the sexiest blue eyes EVARRRR.


Anonymous said...

hey ok ape results u :)
lek2 lah :)

Sofeya Suhaimi said...

Ahhh, my parents la. Not good enough for them. ;( Kerry dapat berapa pointer? :D