Sunday 13 February 2011

The Touchy Topic : Sexual Orientation

After 18 years of living, I have finally realised that what some of my friends say is TRUE:

"All good guys are either taken, married or gay."

Emphasise on GAY.

Let me tell you this: gay means to be attracted to someone of the same sex or gender. Therefore being lembut/effeminate does NOT mean that that person is gay. Heck, the manliest of men can be homosexual. I get annoyed whenever people assume that lelaki lembut are homosexuals. -.- Stupid stereotype, people.

Anyways, the point of this post is to complain. (HEEHEE shaddap. My blog; I can type about anything I want. -.-') I found out that some of the nice guys on campus are actually gay. Nice being that they befriend anybody (and not based on looks or style, whatever) and well, just being plain cool. LIKE WADDAFAAAAAAAAK. WAI ARE YU GAY? T.T Rugi lah. Sigh. :/ I mean, you can't exactly change people. It's what they are, and we've gotta accept them for who they are. Even though you know (and they know) it's wrong in Islam.

BUT (yes, there's a 'but') this does NOT mean - I repeat; NOT MEAN - that you can treat homosexuals like they're poop at the bottom of your shoe. Uh-uh. They're freakin' human beings as well, FYI. They eat, breathe and poop like everyone else does. They do not come without feelings, and heck, if they didn't tell you that they were actually gay/lesbian, you wouldn't have known, right? I mean, nowadays, it's hard to tell what a person is like just by looking at them. For instance, "OMG THAT GUY IS BRINGING A GIRL HANDBAG. HE'S GAY, OMG OMG."




Just because they don't act the way you THINK they should act, it doesn't mean that they have sexual orientation issues. Nobody's perfect, darlings, remember that. And no, I'm not saying I totally encourage homosexuality (it's against me religion's values, and most probably other religions as well); I'm just saying to do something that takes nothing more than two words : ACCEPT THEM. Remember, you can say whatever you want, but it's very hard to change people.

Oh, why oh why. D: K, bai. -.-


N's. said...

Macam kenal ayat tu. My status is being translated in English isn't it? Haha :D

Sofeya Suhaimi said...

Ayat mana Nad? HAHA.